Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week 5

Okay, so I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up with the blog, but I promise I'll try to do better! I was out of town last week on a trip with the family in the Canadian Rockies, so I haven't had much time to write. I'm happy to report that the trip was amazing, though! I will probably put some of the images from the trip on my regular blog, or you can check out my Facebook page if you want to see some of the images.

Worked on these all week...
Anyways, this week was a really productive week at Splash. It doesn't sound like much, but basically all I did this week was retouch shoes, which--believe it or not--is a ton of work. On shoes, you have to clean up every single edge. The molds used to make the shoes are usually imperfect, so we have to make all of the edges look flawless. This is also true for the fabric that they use to construct the shoe, and if the fabric has a crazy pattern on it, you have to make sure the pattern continues throughout your retouched areas. I also had to cut paths for each different colored item on the shoe, and these shoes were camouflage...yeah.  I have a feeling by the end of the summer, I'll be sick of seeing crazy-patterned tennis shoes. Regardless, though, I am really loving my job here! It's definitely something I could really see myself going into after graduation.

It's late, so this post isn't going to be long. Next post, I'll write a little bit more about the community here. I finally tried a food truck, and it was pretty good! I've also been able to walk around more downtown now that I moved closer to the river, so that's been really nice. My old place was really far out of the way, so I didn't do much walking besides the strip of shops on 23rd street. Don't get me wrong, they were really cute, but I feel more in the middle of everything now that I'm in the Pearl District.

Also, before I go I just wanted to share something really neat with you guys. When I came back to Portland from Canada, I walked by the Nike store in the airport and saw this advertisement in the front of the store:

This image was designed by my boss and another photo retoucher at Splash! They were working on it the first week I was here. So I just thought that was really neat to see the work displayed in a retail store!

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